URL Replacer

ActiveX/VBSScript registry editor  ActiveX NT User account manager  Export MDB/DBF from ASP
Url replacer, IIS url rewrite Active LogFile  WebChecker  ActiveX/ASP Scripting Dictionary object
 New - IISTracer, real-time monitoring tool
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The ISAPI filter rewrites/replaces defined parts of URL from browser. It enables url to scripts (.asp, .cgi, .idc) with parameters look like static html pages or specify exact download filename generated by script. You can also create a simple proxy server with IIS and any script engine (.asp,. aspx, …) using URL replacer.
Freeware You can register to get source code - ShareIt!, Visage
Source code - $30
 Register by ShareIt!  (ShareIt! German) (http://www.shareit.com, 104629)
 Register by V-Share (http://www.shareit.com, URLReplsrc)
    You will get source code of the URL Replacer with the regitration.
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  • Technical support
  • All future updates of the software
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PSTRUH Software is using two software registration and payment channels - ShareIt and RegNet.
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ScriptUtilities and Huge-ASP file upload
IISTracer, IIS real-time monitoring tool
Other products
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